The base module is responsible for container management in a more-or-less automated container yard area.
ISAL CTS Functionality
- Basic batch registration
- Basic variety registration
- Basic growth scheme registration
- Greenhouse visualization
- Manual and automatic container movement
- Registration of container contents at plant and batch level
- Able to book batch information on to the container automatically using a selection screen and a set container position
- Able to remove container content automatically based on a user-defined container position or department
- Search & Filter functionality
- Visualization of selected and active route(s)
- PLC logging functionality
- Status & Error functionality
- Able to generate automatic container commands based on track content and/or container content.
- Functionality for arranging various activities (for example, watering)
- Import/Export functionality of data to Excel/Word/PDF/HTML/CSV
- Functionality for the design and handling of an activity plan at plant, batch or container level.
- Functionality for the registration of handling operations for each position.
- Functionality for linking resources to positions for the purposes of labour registration
Download the general ISAL fact sheet
Download the ISAL module fact sheet
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